Do you tell yourself this lie about your success?

When I made my jump from my own J.O.B. (just over broke in case you forgot) to my own business that I had been working for the last 18 months part time, I was worried. You probably should be too. It was a first for me, how would I really know how I would do?  At 26 I was still getting to know myself, what was important to me, who I really was.  I lost sleep from excitement as well as the unanswerable questions.  Would I work as hard for...
myself as I did for my employers?  Would I get up as early and stay as late? I didn't pretend to know these answers back then.  I have since grown wise as I witnessed others crash and burn. How many times have I heard cockiness (born out of concern of course) brag about how great they were going to be once they quit their job.   If I could just be full time in my business ... (my list of problems I'm currently plagued with would disappear). Excuses now, excuses later. 

Look, if you are not be a great part timer, you are never going to be a great full timer.  The way you are in one area of your life is the way you are in all areas.  That's not to say you cant change, I'm just saying you aren't going to go to bed one way and mysteriously wake up entirely different the next morning. Haven't seen that yet.    

Look in my magic crystal ball and get a glimpse of how you will be on your new full time business venture!

You will start your day the same way you do now on your job (early, on time, late?) 

You will conduct yourself during the day the same way you did on your job (productive, lazy, helpful, leader, slacker?)

You will treat others (and others will treat you) the same as you treat them now on your job (respectfully, condescendingly, appreciatively, cooperatively, poorly?)   

You are delusional or clear about what it takes to get ahead in your job, and will stay delusional or clear about how to grow our business.

You get the picture.  Do you thrive in any environment you are in?  Or do you make excuses? You will treat your business the same way as you treat everything else unless you change. Continuous learning after you start your business is of course a must, but I wouldn't wait until then, that's way too late.

You must become an exceptional employee.  You must become an exceptional part time business owner.  Then, and only then, you will be an exceptional business owner.  All of  your vices and shortcomings will follow you wherever you go.  Working those out while you are still an employee or part time business owner is the smartest thing you could do.  Give yourself every chance you can for the success you deserve.  

What did/do you have to change or learn before you could be a success?  We would love to hear from you!

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