Passive income isn't a luxury any longer

Understanding the concept of passive income is as basic as understanding our need to eat.  I like to eat.  I have always enjoyed eating.  Why would I ever think that I won't want to continue to do that in the future?

The process looks like: I work, bring in money, buy groceries.  My parents bought the groceries when I was a kid  And they worked and brought home money to have that happen.  I really like that they did that for me, even if I didn't appreciate it until I had to buy my own.  

Stay with me here.  My Mom is 77 now.  She does buy her own groceries still, but definitely not with the same process that I go about it.  She doesn't work and bring home money.  She takes her handy dandy SS check and my Dad's pension check that is directly deposited into her account on the 1st of each month and purchases the things she needs.  As a matter of fact, she pays her taxes that way.  She also pays her utility bills, phone bill, home maintenance, clothing, and even her weekly casino slot entertainment she likes to do to pass time...all from money that "just lands in her checking account."

Somewhere along the way most of us will be buying our groceries in a manner very different than how we do it now-assuming you are currently capable of working for money.  We all must find a way to generate income through our entire lives.  I have heard the famous "I will just work until I die" line over and over.  That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, ...(read more)

Winning - A Lost Art

There's a lot of people playing defense and the game doesn't get won that way.  You might avoid getting killed or stomped on by defending yourself, but there will be no winning.  It's human instinct to win, to compete, to want to be the best.  We're born that way, and it just depends on how soon that instinct starts to get squashed.

Winning requires offense.  Winning requires intensity and belief that if I put everything I have into my game then maybe -just maybe -I can overcome the competition.  It's about perspective.  Does defeat and losing convince you it can't be done, or maybe it starts to occur that you could give it everything you have and winning might still evade you? Winning is slippery, but it's also

#1 FREE money saving tactic for 2016

Find out the details behind the most underutilized strategy in the U.S. today....side business tax deductions.  Turn your hobby into a legitimate write- off and save $1000's each year!                                    

Top 10 Reasons for Failure -#8 Seeking Balance Too Soon

Your new business is like a baby.  It demands your attention. If you don't give the necessary attention to the baby, the baby will die.   Sorry, I'm just the messenger.

If you are a parent, then you know that we have skipped many a meal, ate them cold, and missed uncountable hours of sleep.  We have cleaned up messes we never dreamed of, lacked the time to care about it, and most of us actually decided to voluntarily do it again!

Your new business is pretty darn similar.  I would highly suggest not doing both the baby thing and the new business thing at the same time, but some of you are masochists...or just bad planners?

I'm at a stage in my passive income-generating first business, that I have spent the time to get in balance with all the priorities in my life.  They were always priorities, but it might not have looked like it from the outside.

Top 10 Reasons for Failure - #9 Being Normal

Your current cronies are not going to pay your electric bill or your kids college.

New cronies might.

Yes, new ones just might do the trick. Did you know that the average income of the crowd you hang with will inevitably be your own? Ewww

Proven fact...not opinion.

So I'm thinking it might be time for a check up of your aging friends list. They have influence on you. A lot.  And being unaware of the impact isn't

K.I.S.S. Revisited- 4 Areas to Focus for Business Success

Keep It Simple Stupid

Self employment and small business ownership are not inconsistent, unstable, or risky.  It is our actions that are inconsistent, unstable and risky.  Manage yourself and you win.

When I started part time in my new venture 23 years ago, keeping my full time gig for awhile I had great mentors. They taught me focus and I listened.  I had success (amongst the normal struggle) and quit my J.O.B. less than 2 years later.

Although I was training and

Tales of an Ex-Sales Douche -Introduction

I've been in sales over 20 years.  I hate salespeople.  That's pretty strong, I shouldn't hate people -I don't really.  I hate the tactics of salespeople.  I hate the agenda of salespeople.  I hate how salespeople are taught.  And I hate the unfortunately true, and embarrassing reputation earned by salespeople.
I love people, just not when they are salespeople.  It's hard to find a salesperson that doesn't seem like a salesperson.  Which is the ultimate way to be as a sales person.

I love what I do.  I love teaching, inspiring, improving people's lives, serving. That is the definition of a real salesperson.  

The challenge begins when